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Emergency Checklist for Homeowners

In order to avoid panic and not knowing what to do, always have an emergency checklist ready.

In order to avoid panic and not knowing what to do, always have an emergency checklist ready.

When preparing for an emergency, having the most detailed and informative information is essential. You don’t want to forget something when packing and/or making an emergency plan or checklist. You’ll want to find out what type(s) of disaster(s) to which your area is prone so you can plan accordingly for them. For example, if you happened to live on the west coast you’d want to plan accordingly for earthquakes, if you lived by the water hurricanes would be something for which you’d want to prepare, and living in our neck of the woods tornados are an ever-present threat.

The Benefits of Being Prepared

There are a number of things to gather when preparing for an emergency. An emergency checklist is essential so you don’t forget anything. You want to write down any important items you may want to take out with you when leaving. You also want to include any first aid supplies, things you might need to turn off, and also bring a list of phone numbers along with you. Emergency numbers are those of the local fire department, police station, poison control center, and other pertinent government buildings in your area. You also want to ensure that you have the numbers of your loved ones with you so you can check on them periodically.

When in Doubt, Use an Emergency Route

Create an emergency evacuation plan to ensure that you know the best routes to get out of your home as well. There may be a few different routes, and knowing the best one to take if another were to be blocked off will better prepare you (and will also provide you with a little additional peace of mind). Write these routes down, and create a place to meet up if the family becomes separated.

Make Sure Everyone Gets Out

You want to ensure that your entire family knows how to turn off any gas, water, or electrical outlets if necessary. This is important when there is an electrical storm or perhaps a fire. Once you’re in a safe place, and everything is set, you want to ensure that you check on anyone else who might be in trouble and in need of assistance (e.g., elderly friends and family members). This is to ensure their safety once you and your family are out of harm’s way as a result of the emergency situation at hand. You should also ensure that your children know all of the pertinent emergency numbers and when to call each of them when in trouble.

There are a number of reasons why all of these points (and probably many others) should be followed, the number one reason being to ensure everyone’s safety during an emergency situation. Emergencies can happen at any time, and being prepared provides you and your family with the best chance of being safe when all is said and done. Ensuring that your child knows what should be done is also beneficial in case you don’t have access to a phone or don’t have the ability get out of the home or find help. The best way to provide for everyone’s safety during an emergency situation is to prepare for any and all situations that could potentially arise. Time is of the essence when disaster strikes.

If you need assistance getting your emergency plan together, call Choice Property Restoration at (615) 886-7989 or schedule an appointment today. We offer a complete response analysis at no charge for consumers that would like to have a road map of what to do and who to call when an emergency situation arises. We respond in a heartbeat!

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