Can a Meth House Be Saved?
There are currently no national regulations on exactly how to cleanup former meth labs. Sometimes scrubbing and painting is all that is necessary to restore a former meth lab to a safe living environment. Sometimes, contamination is so broad and extensive that the inside of the building needs complete renovation. The removal of meth from a home is a difficult process, as the chemicals used in the production process saturate deep into the walls, carpets, and ceilings. The cleaning up of former meth labs ranges from minor cleaning to complete demolition of buildings. Some meth labs require soil and/or groundwater cleanup as well, depending on the extent of how and where chemical wastes were managed.

Not all houses previously used for meth labs are equally dangerous. However, do not attempt to clean up on your own…call us.
The chemicals used in the production of meth pose serious health risks to a home’s new inhabitants, as many of them are known carcinogens (cancer-causing agents). Some common symptoms of exposure to these chemicals include headache, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, sore throat, skin and eye irritation, and respiratory (breathing) problems. Acute (short-term) exposures to high concentrations of some of these chemicals can cause severe health problems including lung damage and burns to different parts of the body.
It’s important for potential homeowners to be aware and able to spot the indicators that a home may have been used as a meth lab. Most home inspectors don’t test for methamphetamines; because of this, it’s important that you not rely on the inspector to alert you of any potential meth problems. Some indicators are:
- The smell of ammonia, acetone and/or paint thinner.
- Windows appear to have been blacked out or frosted (but without cold temperatures, moisture or condensation).
- Your eyes begin to water, itch and burn, or you get a metallic taste in your mouth.
- Areas of grass an/or vegetation appear completely dead (can be due to the dumping of chemicals into the lawn).
- Signs of burns on the countertops, floors, and/or carpets that could have been caused by fires or chemicals.
- A red or brown discoloration on the walls, ceilings, cabinets, countertops, and/or carpets.
- Red rings and stains in the toilet and bathtub (from pouring chemicals down the drains).
It is advised that property owners exercise caution and use the safest possible cleaning practices in dealing with a former meth lab property, as there could be residual contamination.
Since this is an emerging problem, there is currently no official guidance or mandatory national regulations on how to clean up a former meth lab property for reoccupation. Until a former meth lab has been properly cleaned up, no one should enter the home without appropriate personal protective equipment. The safest way to clean up a former meth lab is to hire an environmental company trained in hazardous substance removal and cleanup. At Choice Property Restoration, we are on your side. Call CPR at 615-886-7989 to schedule an appointment today. We’re the company that responds in a heartbeat!